محطات مراقبة نوعية ملوثات الهواء

شركة أوما الدولية
OMA International Trading

Ecotech / Australia

Specialized in manufacturing Air Quality Monitoring Stations.

Website: www.ecotech.com.au

شركـــــــة     Ecotech الأستراليــــــة

شركة متخصصة بإنتاج محطات و أجهزة البيئة ومراقبة التلوث البيئي والأنواء الجوية.

يمكن الاطلاع على المزيد عند زيارة موقع الشركة www.ecotech.com.au


Ecotech's Air Quality Monitoring Systems

Ecotech have over 35 years experience in the design, construction, installation, commissioning and maintenance of AAQMS.

Ecotech supply systems throughout the world in a variety of different environments from tropical rain forests in India to frozen Antarctica to urban cities like Sydney to industrial sites in Indonesia. Ecotech have many strong partnerships throughout the world with distributors who have strong technical experience with air monitoring equipment and have been factory trained by Ecotech.


Water Monitoring

Ecotech offers a comprehensive range of water sampling, flow monitoring and water analysis instrumentation. Exclusive distributor of Hach water samplers, Tethys multiparameter monitors, Chemitec process instruments, Maxx specialty water samplers, Mercury Instruments mercury in water analysers and Los Gatos Research water isotopes analysers. Ecotech is one of the foremost suppliers of specialty water sampling and analysis instruments in the region.

Ecotech offer the following categories of water sampling, monitoring and measuring devices:

Water samplers Specialty Water samplers Water quality analysers
On-line water quality and flow Water isotope analysers Mercury water analysers
OMA International Group                                                                                                       

For more information, please visit our website (www.omatrade.com).


Contact Information:

Mobile: 00 964 77 0 444 6566

Email: sales@omatrade.com , support@omatrade.com, zaid@omatrade.com

Al-Shareif  Building,  Street 9, District 102, Alweyah Baghdad-Iraq  -  P.O BOX: 3056

